Whitfield and Aspen School

Our main problems prior to using IRIS Adapt were ineffective tracking of pupil behaviours and the difficulty in assessing the impact of interventions. Incidents were recorded on paper, but this made it difficult to analyse the data. Consequently tracking was not as effective as it could be. There was too much paperwork involved and this made it difficult to do any analysis and look at whole picture.

We use now IRIS Adapt to capture those behaviour incidents, in the mainstream and special school, that require a response beyond normal classroom management. We also record any behaviour incident that requires the use of positive handling techniques or that involves injury to a pupil or member of staff.

 “The detailed data we get from the system is very useful as evidence when seeking support from outside agencies or as part of an EHCP application.

With IRIS Adapt we can readily identify and monitor those pupils with high levels of behaviour incidents. Using IRIS’s data analysis tools we can identify and assess any specific trigger times or activities the pupil is responding to.

We can readily identify and monitor those pupils with high levels of behaviour incidents.

Information is now shared with class teachers as part of our Pupil Progress meetings. Analysis data is also shared with our governors. The detailed data we get from the system is very useful as evidence when seeking support from outside agencies; such as medical professionals, specialist teachers, other schools or as part of an EHCP (Education, Health and Care Plan) application.

Having a clear summary of all behaviour incidents provides a focus for discussion with teachers about the behaviour of pupils in their class. It also provides detailed information which we can share with parents.

All members of staff now record behaviour incidents using the same terminology and in a consistent format. Staff also have ready access to pupil behaviour records.

We can readily see patterns of behaviour across the whole school, class group or an individual pupil. This means we can communicate with parents more meaningfully about their child’s behaviour.

Using IRIS Adapt has allowed us to raise awareness amongst staff of the importance of monitoring behaviour effectively. It provides a quick and simple way for all members of staff to log each incident. The behaviour information recorded on IRIS Adapt gives a platform for discussion with staff at Pupil Progress Meetings.

 “The support we receive from Adaptsoft is always prompt and very helpful.

Because much information on IRIS Adapt in entered via drop-down menus, this provides a consistent, uniform format for logging behaviour incidents. This allows incidents to be analysed and compared more easily. The analysis pages are very useful when sharing information with teachers, governors and outside agencies. The support we receive from the Adaptsoft is always prompt and very helpful.

About the school

This school is larger than the average-sized primary school. The proportion of pupils eligible for free school meals is average. The main school is two-form entry and has provision for children in the Early Years Foundation Stage Nursery and two Reception classes.

In addition, Aspen has specialist provision for children assessed as having severe and/or profound multiple disabilities and special educational needs. Some pupils work exclusively in the Aspen provision, whilst others take part in a mixture of mainstream and Aspen support. In the school as a whole, the proportion of disabled pupils and those with special educational needs far exceeds the national average. The proportion of pupils supported by school action plus or with a statement of special educational needs is well above the national average. Notably, more than a third of all pupils have support at school action plus level and a quarter of all pupils have a statement of special educational needs. Most pupils come from White British backgrounds.